Compound libraries for drug design are expanding year by year and the purpose of the library has been growing diversely. Such compound libraries are provided by reagent suppliers and various service concepts worldwide. On the other hand, a variety of compound libraries for drug discovery are built at academia and public research institutions, too, and these compound libraries are utilized as open innovations. Under such circumstances, one of the critical challenges is how researchers build high-quality in-house compound libraries from huge and diverse compound libraries, and it is necessary for researches to further understand compound library better. At this meeting, researchers from academia and solution providers as the external environment from the company’s point of view will deliver lectures on the trends, analyses and applications of compound libraries. We are looking forward to a wide range of discussion about compound libraries.
日時: 2013年1月22日(火)13:30-17:10 場所: 東京大学山上会館大会議室
http://www.sanjo.nc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/世話人: 谷村隆次(東レ株式会社)、石川誠(日産化学工業株式会社)、
西垣 功一(埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科)3.14:25~15:15
“Spotting Binders in 1012 Compounds”
Marcus Gastreich (BioSolveIT GmbH)
新家 一男 (産業技術総合研究所)5.16:20~17:10
岡部 隆義(東京大学 創薬オープンイノベーションセンター)
(種別) (料金) 法人賛助会員 無料 一般 個人会員 無料 非会員(一般) \10,000 学生 学生会員 無料 非会員(学生) \1,000 お問い合わせ終了しました
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