Instructions for Authors
Chem-Bio Informatics (CBI) Journal aims to advance in the interdisciplinary scientific area including chemistry, biology, and informatics with the express goal of seeking solutions to problems with real-world applications such as in drug discovery and medical care, as well as fundamental study. The CBI Journal’s fields are as follows.
CBI journal is a published on-line journal covering advanced scientific research topics as well as practical methodologies and technologies that are sometimes neglected in the usual scientific journals, and has the following characteristic.
(1) Molecular recognition and molecular modeling | |
Theoretical and computational studies on intermolecular interactions which govern biomolecular recognition | |
(2) In silico drug discovery | |
Computational studies on drug development and related technologies | |
(3) Bioinformatics and its applications in medicine | |
Development and application of bioinformatics methods in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics for drug discovery and system modeling of human diseases | |
(4) Information and computing approach for drug design and ADMET study | |
Dry and wet studies which focus on drug design and ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity) based on information and computing approach | |
(5) AI technologies and their applications | |
(6) Emerging new technology | |
(7) The new results of the structural biology and related computational technologies of the structural biology |
CBI journal is a published on-line journal covering advanced scientific research topics as well as practical methodologies and technologies that are sometimes neglected in the usual scientific journals, and has the following characteristic.
- An article based on only in silico simulation results without the experimental data will be accepted positively.
- All papers published in the CBI journal since 2001 are downloadable as pdf files from the J-Stage website (http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/).
I. Types of Manuscript
The Journal publishes Original Article, Communication, Review, Opinion, Application Note, Calculation Report, Preface and Editorial.
The Journal publishes Original Article, Communication, Review, Opinion, Application Note, Calculation Report, Preface and Editorial.
- Original Article:
These are full-length research articles describing novel scientific findings that meet the scope of the CBI Journal. - Communication:
This category aims to expedite the publication of reports on particularly valuable scientific discoveries in research fields that are within the scope of the CBI Journal. Manuscripts are limited to four journal pages, including the text, references, author names, and all graphics. - Review:
Reviews are manuscripts in which the authors have collected, analyzed, and evaluated data from their own studies and related studies by others in research fields that are within the scope of the CBI journal. An important goal of Reviews is to improve understanding by the readers of the key concepts in the field. - Opinion:
Reports on the current status of the field, proposals for new approaches, and perspectives in research fields covered by the CBI Society and the Journal can be published as Opinion articles. - Application Note:
These are reports on new computing methods, databases, and services. Like other categories, Application Notes are peer reviewed. The name of the method, database, or service should be specified in the title of the manuscript. The contents and the operation method need to be briefly explained; no detailed verification is required. The method, database, or service should be publicly available in a free or inexpensive form. It is desirable that they can run for at least three years on versions of widely used systems such as Linux or Windows OS. - Calculation Report:
These reports describe the results of calculations on various subjects related to the scope of the CBI Journal. The discussion and validations required in Original Articles are not essential. As long as the calculation results have not been published in other journals, they do not have to be novel or have high scientific impact. The articles are peer reviewed. The main criterion for publication is whether the method is appropriate for the research subject and whether the calculation settings and results would be referred to or used by the readers. It is essential to either present the calculation setting file(s) and calculation result file(s) as Supporting Information or to make them downloadable from a public database(s). The use of commercial software may not be accepted if the amount of data released is too large and will reduce the business opportunities of the company selling the software. - Preface:
When a special issue or a series of papers is published in the CBI Journal, a manuscript that explains the purpose can be published in this category. - Editorial:
Editorial announcements, including changes to the submission guidelines, can be published in this category. - Model Repository:
These are reports on new model including machine learning. Like other categories, Model Repository are peer reviewed. The name of the model should be specified in the title of the manuscript. The contents and the operation parameter and method need to be briefly explained; no detailed verification is required. The model should be publicly available (open access).
II. Language
Only manuscripts written in clear and concise English will be accepted. Authors who are not native speakers should note that only manuscripts checked by a native speaker with sufficient scientific knowledge will be accepted.
Only manuscripts written in clear and concise English will be accepted. Authors who are not native speakers should note that only manuscripts checked by a native speaker with sufficient scientific knowledge will be accepted.
III. Manuscript Preparation
- Manuscript
The manuscript should be written as document file of Microsoft Word according to templates.
The template for text and sample file :
Manuscript Template CBIJ_Template.doc
Manuscript Sample CBIJ_Sample.pdf
Supplementary Materials Sample Supplement_Sample.pdf
- Supplemental Material:
The CBI journal provides a platform for Supplemental Material (SM) deposited as electronic files such as documents, images, sounds, moving images, archives.
The available extensions are as follows.
【documents】 asc dvi htm html latex pdf rtf rtx sgm sgml tex texi texinfo txt xml pdb 【images】 bmp gif jpe jpeg jpg rgb tif tiff xbm xwd 【sounds】 aif aifc aiff au kar mid midi mp2 mp3 mpga ra ram rm rpm snd wav 【moving images】 avi iges igs mesh mov movie mp4 mpe mpeg mpg msh qt silo vrml wmv wrl 【archives】 Z cpio gtar gz lzh tar zip
IV. Submission
Please submit your article via online submission system (Editorial Manager system; https://www.editorialmanager.com/cbij/).
- Please go to “Submission” and follow the instructions.
V. Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest (COI) exists when anyone has financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately influence (bias) a submitted manuscript. All authors are requested to disclose any financial relationship with any company or institution that might benefit from the publication of the manuscript. Authors should consider as a guide for financial disclosures:
A conflict of interest (COI) exists when anyone has financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately influence (bias) a submitted manuscript. All authors are requested to disclose any financial relationship with any company or institution that might benefit from the publication of the manuscript. Authors should consider as a guide for financial disclosures:
- Research funding from a for-profit (commercial) organization
- Consulting fee/honorarium
- Patent royalties/licensing fees
- Employment/leadership position/advisory role
- Others (travel fees, gift, and etc.)
VI. Ethics
- For manuscripts dealing with scientific investigations involving human subjects and/or human tissues, the experiments should be performed in accordance with the ethical principles for medical research outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki 1964 as modified by subsequent revisions (http://dl.med.or.jp/dl-med/wma/helsinki2013e.pdf). Only studies that have been performed after receiving approval from the appropriate ethics committee of an institution will be accepted for publication. Finally, please clearly state in the manuscript that the study was performed according to institutional guidelines and attach to the cover letter a scanned certificate from the ethics committee.
- Manuscripts describing animal experiments should be conducted in accordance with the experimental animal guidelines of the institution as well as the appropriate government guidelines, such as those published by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Only manuscripts of experiments conducted in accordance with the appropriate guidelines will be eligible for publication. Finally, please state clearly within the manuscript which guidelines were followed and that the study was indeed conducted in accordance with the guidelines.
VII. Referees
- Manuscripts will be reviewed by two referees, whose opinion will form the basis of the final decision by editor.
- Please submit the revised manuscript no later than three months from the date of notification of manuscript revision by the editor. A manuscript that is not revised within three months may be rejected.
VIII. Paper review fee
- From October 1st in 2021, the review fee will be charged before starting review process in the CBI Journal Editorial Manager, as described below.
- Payment is by credit card only.
- The review will start after the payment is confirmed.
- ① Submission Fee: JPY 20,000 per manuscript
- ② Page Charge: JPY 2,000 per printed image page
(It also applies to supplementary materials with documents) - ③ Supplementary materials to be published that not include documents
: JPY 1,000 per file.
- TOTAL Article-Processing Charge:①+②+③
- Payment is by credit card only.
- The manuscript will be published after the payment is confirmed.
- Please go to the link below to access the EM sysytem.
- If you are the first time user, click "Register Now" to create an account in the LOGIN page.
- Login the system and submit your manuscript.
IX. Charges
Please submit your article via Editorial Manager (EM) system.
»» Editorial Manager system (https://www.editorialmanager.com/cbij/)
»» Editorial Manager system (https://www.editorialmanager.com/cbij/)