CBI Annual Meeting 2022 <Program> |
<Japanese> (update: 2022.10.27) |
≫≫October 25 (Tue) ≫≫October 26 (Wed) ≫≫October 27 (Thu) |
Oct 25 Tue |
Time | 5F | 2F | 4F | |||||||||||||
Big Hall | Small Hall | Togen(140) | Fukuju(140) | Heian(140) | Zuiun(140) | Training Room(84) | 401(63) | 403(30) | 407(36) | ||||||||
10:00-10:10 | <Opening Remarks>![]() |
10:10-10:30 | Conference Chairperson ![]()
10:30-12:00 | <Plenary Lecture> ![]() "Life science in COVID-19 society" Chair: Tsuneaki Sakata (Osaka University)
12:00-13:30 | <Luncheon Seminar> LS-01 Elix, Inc. Shinya Yuki (Elix, Inc.) Sonomi Hato (Elix, Inc.) Takahiro Inoue (Elix, Inc.) |
<Luncheon Seminar> LS-02 Dotmatics Zsolt Lepp(Dotmatics) Takashi Fukuyama(Dotmatics) |
<Luncheon Seminar> LS-03 MOLSIS Inc. "Utilization of MOE for Various Therapeutic Modality Research" ・Modeling PROTAC-mediated Ternary Complexes ・Applications for Antibody Modeling and Developability Assessment ・Nucleic Acid Modeling |
13:30-15:00 | <Invited Talk> ![]() "New generation therapy in the modern era" Chair: Hiroyuki Kobayashi (SHIONOGI & CO., LTD.)
<Sponsored Session> SS-01 Quantinuum K.K. |
<Symposium> SP-01 Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development(AMED) |
<Organized Session> OS-01 Frontiers of Digital Therapy as a Novel Modality in Medicine |
<Oral Presentations O1> »abstracts 『Drug Discovery Application(1)』 Chair: Koichiro Kato(Kyushu University), Tomohide Masuda(TORAY INDUSTRIES INC) O1-1 Tatsuya Ishimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Prediction of Chemical Reaction Type with Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks" O1-2 Shunya Makino (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Molecular Optimization by Graph Generative Model using Transformers" O1-3 Mami Ozawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "An Enhanced Machine Learning Models for Predicting Retrosynthesis Accessibility" O1-4 Takamasa Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Multi-Objective Molecular Optimization by Monte Carlo Tree Search" O1-5 Ryuji Kato (Nagoya University, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System) "Morphology-based drug effect profiling for delicate label-free phenotypic screening" O1-6 Iori Azuma (Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacokinetics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo) "A recommendation algorithm for predicting drug effects considering directionality" |
<Oral Presentations O2> »abstracts 『Computational Chemistry (Molecular Recognition) 』 Chair:Yuji Takaoka(Dassault Systemes K.K.), Takatsugu Hirokawa(University of Tsukuba) O2-1 Keisuke Yanagisawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "REstretto: An Efficient Protein-Ligand Docking Tool based on a Fragment Reuse Strategy" O2-2 Suyong Re (National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition) "Binding specificity of phosphopeptide recognition domain analyzed by gREST simulation" O2-3 Shuhei Miyakawa (Hoshi University) "Dynamical interaction analysis of Remdesivir with SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase by MD and FMO calculations" O2-4 Kazuma Harada (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kindai University) "Analysis of interaction energies for SMAD4 variants by computational science" O2-5 Tatsunori Miyajima (Kindai University Graduate School of Science and Engineering) "Interaction analysis of 14-3-3 and p53 using fragment molecular orbital method " O2-6 Yuuki Okayama (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kindai University) "Comparison of conformer models in PDB structure using Fragment Molecular Orbital Method" |
<Focused Session> FS-01 Origin of Life: Emergence of Intelligence |
Closed Meeting | |||||||||
15:00-15:30 | Poster Session (1F Exhibition Hall) | ||||||||||||||||
15:30-17:00 | <Symposium> ![]() S-01 CBI Research Institute Quantum-Structural Life ScienceLabolatories |
<Sponsored Session> SS-02 Amazon Web Services Japan G.K. |
<Symposium> SP-02 Future development of Microphysiological Systems (MPS) -Kicking off the AMED-MPS2 & MPS-RS projects- |
<Sponsored Session> SS-03 NVIDIA |
<Oral Presentations O3> »abstracts 『Computational Chemistry (Molecular Modeling)/Modality/ADMET』 Chair:Hirofumi Watanabe(WithMetis Co., Ltd.), Hiroshi Kita(KANEKA CORPORATION), Reiko Watanabe(Osaka University) O3-1 Hiraku Oshima (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research) "Free Energy Perturbation Method in GENESIS" O3-2 Masatake Sugita (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Lipid composition is critical for accurate membrane permeability prediction of large cyclic peptides by molecular dynamics simulations" O3-3 Hiromitsu Shimoyama (University of Tsukuba) ""Molecular Dynamics Study of 3D-DS dimerization of Cyt c" O3-4 Toru Ekimoto (Yokohama City University) "Complex model of the bile acid transporter NTCP and binding peptides involved in the HBV infection explored by molecular dynamics simulation" O3-5 Takashi Matsumoto (Rigaku Corporation) "MAXS for 3D molecular visualization of human antibody conformational changes" O3-6 YASUHIRO YOSHIDA (University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan) "CrotBiopsy:New methods for lung inflammation" |
<Oral Presentations O4> »abstracts 『Data Science/Bioinformatics 』 Chair:Tomohiro Sato(RIKEN), Yayoi Natsume(NIBIOHN) O4-1 Chiduru Watanabe (RIKEN BDR) "Development of FMODB and Auto-FMO protocol through 2022" O4-2 Nobuaki Yasuo (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Hit Identification for SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Using Convolutional Neural Network" O4-3 Haris Hasic (Elix, Inc.) "Evaluating Computer-assisted Single-step Retrosynthesis: How Significant are Recent Improvements?" O4-4 Midori Iida (Kyushu Institute of Technology ) "Developing a network-based combination therapy approach for complex diseases" O4-5 Takayuki Kimura (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Prediction of Protein Binding Region on RNA with Transformer and Attention Augmentation" O4-6 Chen Li (Kyushu Institute of Technology) "Molecular Generation using Sequence-based Transformer Generative Adversarial Network" |
17:00-19:00 | Poster Session (1F Exhibition Hall) | ||||||||||||||||
Oct 26 Wed |
Time | 5F | 2F | 4F | |||||||||||||
Big Hall | Small Hall | Togen | Fukuju | Heian | Zuiun | Training Room | 401 | 403 | 407 | ||||||||
10:00-12:00 | <Plenary Lecture> ![]() "The new developments of Brain-Tech and IT" Chair: Masahiro Tsuji(JST)
12:00-13:30 | <Luncheon Seminar> LS-04 World Fusion Co., LTD. |
<Luncheon Seminar> LS-05 Patcore, Inc. |
<Luncheon Seminar> LS-06 Schrödinger K.K. |
13:30-15:00 | <Invited Talk> ![]() "Open the Way to the Future of Healthcare by DX" Chair: Shinichiro Fujiie (PeptiStar Inc.)
<Sponsored Session> SS-04 Fujitsu Limited |
<Symposium> SP-03 RIKEN |
<Oral Presentations O5> »abstracts 『Drug Discovery Application(2)』 Chair:Takashi Ikegami(MOLSIS Inc.), Masakazu Sekijima(Tokyo Institute of Technology) O5-1 Chikashige Yamanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology) "De novo generation of drug candidate compounds from disease-specific transcriptome data using deep learning" O5-2 Kenjiro Tanaka (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University) "Data-Driven Understanding of TRPA1 Agonist Diversity" O5-3 Kazuki Yamamoto (The University of Tokyo) "In Silico and In Vitro Screening for Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Avoiding Peptidyl Secondary Amides" O5-4 David Jimenez Barrero (Elix, Inc.) "Active Learning via Incremental Revelation: Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors Case Study" O5-5 Joshua Owoyemi (Elix, Inc.) "SmilesFormer: Language Model for Molecular Design" O5-6 Nazim Medzhidov (Elix, Inc.) "Hit to Lead Discovery of Benzylpiperidine Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors Using Generative Models: a Retrospective Case Study" |
<Focused Session> FS-02 Computational ADMET related research presentation |
<Focused Session> FS-03 Medical Data AI Analysis Forum |
<Focused Session> FS-04 Advanced Measurement and Analysis |
15:00-15:30 | Poster Session (1F Exhibition Hall) | ||||||||||||||||
15:30-17:00 | <Symposium> ![]() S-02 Research activities for supporting drug discovery by in-silico unit of BINDS (AMED) |
<Sponsored Session> SS-05 OpenEye, Cadence Molecular Sciences |
<Oral Presentations O6> »abstracts 『Computational Chemistry (Molecular Recognition)/Structure Activity Relationship/Quantum-Structural Life Sscience』 Chair:Akitoshi Okada(Japan Tobacco Inc.), Daisuke Takaya(Osaka University), Kazutoshi Takahashi(Ajinomoto Co., Inc.) O6-1 Yuma Handa (Hoshi University) "Understanding RNA sequence specificity of inhibitors of translation initiation factor by dynamical FMO analysis" O6-2 Hiromu Matsumoto (Kyushu University) "Development of protein-ligand binding affinity evaluation method by combining classical MD and FMO calculations" O6-3 Hinata Osawa (Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Division of Pharmaceutical Science of Okayama University) "Structure-Activity Relationship Study of PROTACs against Hematopoietic Prostaglandin D2 Synthase" O6-4 Katsuki Takebe (Osaka University) "Investigation of hydrogen bond network in the active center of catechol O-methyltransferase by X-ray crystallography and FMO method." O6-5 Tomoki Yonezawa (Keio University) "PoSSuMds Update : Addition Of Clinical Candidates And COVID-19 Clinical Trials Information" O6-6 Yuko Tsuchiya (AIRC, AIST) "Databases of similar epitopes, PoSSuMAg, and putative ligand-binding pockets on AlphaFold models, PoSSuMAF" |
<Focused Session> FS-05 Chemical data science and artificial intelligence related research |
<Oral Presentations O7> »abstracts 『Molecular Robotics/Regulatory Science』 Chair:Ibuki Kawamata(Tohoku University) O7-1 Hiroshi Ogata (Tohoku University) "Pattern formation in sol media using branched DNA motifs" O7-2 Mst Rubaya RASHID (Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan) "Force measurement of kinesin-propelled microtubules in swarming using electromagnetic tweezers" O7-3 Chen Ma (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "Order Parameter Analysis of Microtubule Motility Dynamics" O7-4 Soichiro Hiroi (Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo) "Deep Learning Detection of Giant Vesicles Using a Synthetic Data Set of Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Images" O7-5 Xiaoran Hu (Tokyo Institute of Technology) "DNA AFM images in Super-resolution by VR system and Deep Learning" O7-6 Masanori Niwano (Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.) "A 3D hydrodynamic ocean model simulation and its data analyses targeting waters off Niihama in Seto Inland Sea, Japan" |
<Focused Session> FS-04 Advanced Measurement and Analysis |
17:00-19:00 | Poster Session (1F Exhibition Hall) | ||||||||||||||||
Oct 27 Thu |
Time | 5F | 2F | 4F | |||||||||||||
Big Hall | Small Hall | Togen | Fukuju | Heian | Zuiun | Training Room | 401 | 403 | 407 | ||||||||
10:00-12:00 | <Plenary Lecture> ![]() "New Drug Modalities: From Bench to Bedside" Chair: Satoshi Obika (Osaka University)
12:00-13:30 | <Luncheon Seminar> LS-07 Amazon Web Services Japan G.K. |
<Luncheon Seminar> LS-08 Elsevier Japan KK Toshikazu Dewa(Elsevier Japan KK) |
<Luncheon Seminar> LS-09 Chem-Bio Informatics Society(CBI) |
This session will be held in Room 406. Registration is closed. <Organized Session> OS-02 Meet the legend |
13:30-15:00 | <Panel Discussion> ![]() "The Impact of the New Concept of Medicines to Medical Care" モデレーター:Sakata Tsuneaki (Osaka University)
<Oral Presentations O8> »abstracts 『Drug Discovery Application(3)/Molecular Robotics』 Chair:Teruki Honma(RIKEN), Ibuki Kawamata(Tohoku University) O8-1 Shunji Suetaka (The University of Tokyo) "Computational and experimental studies of hot spots in the c-Myb–KIX interaction" O8-2 Kyosuke Tsumura (FUJIFILM Corporation) "Upgrade of AI-AAM and its application to lead-to-lead and peptide downsizing scaffold hopping" O8-3 Ryuichiro Ishitani (Preferred Networks, Inc.) "Molecular design method using a reversible tree representation of chemical compounds and deep reinforcement learning" O8-4 Hirotaka Kondo (Kansai University) "Improvement of a Prototype VR AFM Manipulation System Emulated by a Dispensing Machine" O8-5 Ken Komiya (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology (JAMSTEC)) "Experimental Investigation of Extended Nucleic Acid Generation Circuits for DNA-based Signal Transduction" |
<Focused Session> FS-06 CBI Young Researchers, Our RX ~New Career, New Collaboration~ |
<Focused Session> FS-07 "Omics Principles" Committee |
15:00-16:00 | <Award ceremony> ![]() <CBI Award Commemorative Lecture>
16:00- | <About CBI2023> ![]() <Closing Remarks> |